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What is presently Engø Gård, started off as Pihls Pensjonat –

one of Tjømes many summer boarding houses.

It was the romantic Frithjof Pihl and his sister, Daisy who started the boarding house at Engø in 1924.

British Dorothy Grace Babington – nicknamed ”Babs” fell in love with both Frithjof and the place, after a stay at Engø. She quickly passed on her British charm and elegance to the boarding house.

This same atmosphere still prevails and is referred to by many as that indescribable "Engø Feeling".


Engø gård became part of De Historiske Hotel & Spisesteder in the summer of 2009.

 This is a prestigious members only organisation comprising many of Norway's most charming, traditional or historical restaurants and hotels.



Here at Engø Gård, we are passionate about sustainability and the environment.

In our kitchen, we use products that we grow ourselves or that we source

from local suppliers. 


We have been awarded the Miljøfyrtåren-Sertification which is a stamp of approval on our efficient sustainable improvements in different fields such as working environment, waste disposal, energy use and transport.


Contact us:

Ph: +47 33 30 31 00 

Visit us: 

Gamle Engøvei 25
3145 Tjøme

All rights reserved Engø Gård, Gamle Engøvei 25, 3145 Tjøme, Norway

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All rights reserved Engø Gård, Gamle Engøvei 25, 3145 Tjøme, Norway

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